Point at or click an element from the periodic table for more information:
Group*** Period | |||||||||||||||||||
1 IA 1A | 2 IIA 2A | 3 IIIB 3B | 4 IVB 4B | 5 VB 5B | 6 VIB 6B | 7 VIIB 7B | 8 VIII 8 | 9 VIII 8 | 10 VIII 8 | 11 IB 1B | 12 IIB 2B | 13 IIIA 3A | 14 IVA 4A | 15 VA 5A | 16 VIA 6A | 17 VIIA 7A | 18 VIIIA 8A | ||
1 | 1 H 1.008 | 2 He 4.003 | |||||||||||||||||
2 | 3 Li 6.941 | 4 Be 9.012 | 5 B 10.81 | 6 C 12.01 | 7 N 14.01 | 8 O 16.00 | 9 F 19.00 | 10 Ne 20.18 | |||||||||||
3 | 11 Na 22.99 | 12 Mg 24.31 | 13 Al 26.98 | 14 Si 28.09 | 15 P 30.97 | 16 S 32.07 | 17 Cl 35.45 | 18 Ar 39.95 | |||||||||||
4 | 19 K 39.10 | 20 Ca 40.08 | 21 Sc 44.96 | 22 Ti 47.88 | 23 V 50.94 | 24 | 25 | 26 Fe 55.85 | 27 Co 58.47 | 28 Ni 58.69 | 29 | 30 Zn 65.39 | 31 Ga 69.72 | 32 Ge 72.59 | 33 As 74.92 | 34 Se 78.96 | 35 Br 79.90 | 36 Kr 83.80 | |
5 | 37 Rb 85.47 | 38 Sr 87.62 | 39 Y 88.91 | 40 Zr 91.22 | 41 Nb 92.91 | 42 Mo 95.94 | 43 Tc (98) | 44 Ru 101.1 | 45 Rh 102.9 | 46 Pd 106.4 | 47 Ag 107.9 | 48 Cd 112.4 | 49 In 114.8 | 50 Sn 118.7 | 51 Sb 121.8 | 52 Te 127.6 | 53 I 126.9 | 54 Xe 131.3 | |
6 | 55 Cs 132.9 | 56 Ba 137.3 | * | 72 Hf 178.5 | 73 Ta 180.9 | 74 W 183.9 | 75 Re 186.2 | 76 Os 190.2 | 77 Ir 190.2 | 78 Pt 195.1 | 79 Au 197.0 | 80 Hg 200.5 | 81 Tl 204.4 | 82 Pb 207.2 | 83 Bi 209.0 | 84 Po (209) | 85 At (210) | 86 Rn (222) | |
7 | 87 Fr (223) | 88 Ra (226) | ** | 104 Rf (261) | 105 Db (262) | 106 Sg (266) | 107 Bh (264) | 108 Hs (269) | 109 Mt (268) | 110 Ds (281) | 111 Rg (272) | 112 Cn (285) | 113 Nh (284) | 114 Fl (289) | 115 Mc (288) | 116 Lv (292) | 117 Ts (294) | 118 Og (294) | |
| |||||||||||||||||||
Lanthanide Series* (Lanthanoid) | 57 La 138.9 | 58 Ce 140.1 | 59 Pr 140.9 | 60 Nd 144.2 | 61 Pm (145) | 62 Sm 150.4 | 63 Eu 152.0 | 64 Gd 157.3 | 65 Tb 158.9 | 66 Dy 162.5 | 67 Ho 164.9 | 68 Er 167.3 | 69 Tm 168.9 | 70 Yb 173.0 | 71 Lu 175.0 | ||||
Actinide Series** (Actinoids) | 89 Ac (227) | 90 Th 232.0 | 91 Pa (231) | 92 U (238) | 93 Np (237) | 94 Pu (244) | 95 Am (243) | 96 Cm (247) | 97 Bk (247) | 98 Cf (251) | 99 Es (252) | 100 Fm (257) | 101 Md (258) | 102 No (259) | 103 Lr (262) |
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