Hi Nick
A plasma sprayed ceramic may be worth a try. If HVOF alumina coatings perform well, then I would consider using the same with plasma spray. Under these conditions I think any ceramic coating is going to crack. The secret will be to apply very thin coatings, just enough for coverage. Hopefully, any cracking will be in a perpendicular direction to the substrate surface, which may not sound good, but may actually act as a stress reducer and make the coating less likely to suffer spalling.
There are a number of books around on surface engineering processes, but not having read any of them recently, would not be able to recommend any specific one, particularly when you consider the cost of some of them. As you may have seen, I am trying to put something together for use on this forum, but so far it is only a brief introduction to the subject, with the detail of the various processes needing to be added. See this
thread and
"Surface Engineering in a Nutshell"