Consumables for cylinder block made of grey cast
Hi there,
i want to use thermal spraying to rebuild/reconstruct the cylinder liner flange respectively the cylinder liner seat of a cylinder block. Probably, the cylinder block is made of grey cast (material nr. 0.6030 / EN-GJL-300). Material analysis, via scanning electron microscope, comes in a few days. The layer thickness must be about 1 mm (~0,4 in).
I have the choice between flame spray with powder and wire arc spray.
In case of flame spray: self fluxing powders are no possibility because I do not want to take the risk of microstructural changes on cylinder block after heat treatment. So, at this time I prefer the wire arc spray
The post processing should be done by cutting.
Which consumables could be the best for? I thought about chrome-nickel steel, or could be a bronze a possibility?
Thanks for help.