1) Using colmonoy 88 with HVOF is the easiest procedure. We advise rotation at 20 rpm, preheat 90 deg C before spraying with HVOF based on our experience.
2) For the sleeve size you specified for a diameter of 140mm approx, you can use the following procedure:
Mount the sleeve on a rotator (lathe), rpm around 20. heat the job to a temperature of 150 deg C and spray around 150 micron thick layer. stop rotation of lathe and fuse the layer. Built to desired thickness and fuse stationary. Commence rotation at higher speed to reduce deformation possibilities.
As it is colmonoy 88 fuses easily.
3) Properties(wear resistance) achieved after fusion are much better.
I all cases usual surface preparation should be carried out.
Ragesh Bateriwala
(05-01-2012, 06:17 AM)Brent Wrote: We are currently quoting to manafacture some pump sleeves and are having troubles on the best procedure to make them. Usually when we make a 316SS sleeve for spray and fuse we leave the ID quite under size so the material doesnt warp during the wetting in phase. The dilema is the most affordable material we can get for the current quote will be about .350" wall thickness during wet in. The sleeve will be 5.625 OD and 13.5" long I am wondering if anyone has had much experience with spray&fuse on sleeves this size?? Most of our previous experince is with smaller diameters and shorter sleeves.
Which brings me too my 2nd question this job is going to be sprayed with a colmonoy 88 and will see low ph solutions(either bleach or brown stock) I am wondering if maybe a hvof applied coating would work in this instance???? in resistance to the enviroment and ease of application.
Any help is always appreciated