Dear All
Lately we sprayed WC10Co4Cr using TAFA JP-5000 on paper industry rollers. We only have 2 sets of parameter which are 98g/min and 55g/min. Normally we would use 98g/min parameters with an actual feed rate of 70g/min. The thing is this time we use 98g/min parameter with an actual feed rate of 98g/min as well. After spraying and grinding, there were some metal lumps all over the roller's surface. Now we are looking at two main reasons.
1. We didn't dry off the powder by heat before using it.
2. We used too high feed rate even the Bulletin suggested so. And that caused unmelts parameters due to insufficient heat.
Please find pictures here
Also, find parameters that I mentioned as attached files.
Any reply would be useful. Thanks guys