RE: Starting parameters for Amdry 718 Cl.B
Hello ED
Try with the following parameters, I just settled them for an aeronautic industry with a very good result, as parameters are sensible to different source of gases, equipment state and geometry, and enviromental conditions, if you don't reach specification values, I can help you to change some parameters in order to reach tjhe request values, try as follow:
Powder type Amdry 718clB – Ni19Cr18Fe5NbTa3Mo0,5Al1Ti0,5C – (-90 + 45 µm)
Gun type F4Mb - Injector 1,8mm – 90° - Injector distance 6mm – Current 512 A – Volt 64 V– A 58 slpm (5 Bar) – H2 15 slpm (5Bar) -Spreader/ suction L/L – Ar 6,5 (3,4 bar) – Powder feed rate 54 g – Disc Speed 53 – Stirrer speed 60 – spray distance 118 mm – Gun speed > 7,52 m/min
Best regards