(01-06-2022, 02:38 PM)xxxxmgulkokan Wrote: Dear All;
We have Oerlikon multicoat system and we added the HVOF and Flame coatings. Now we are using Plasma HVOF and Flame process in the same cabin.
Therefore we have added new components and changed the gas lines.
Our problem is that there are too many spark in the HVOF. We don't have any spark in the Plasma and Flame. Please watch the below video. Our gun is DJ2600 and gasses are oxgyen and hydrogen.
Oerlikon changed too many parts but there is no changing. In the flame there is no powder and we can see the diamond label in the flame.
Is there any suggestion how we can fix the problem ?
Sparks may be from the powder remaining on the walls of the powder supply tube.
However, the trajectory of the sparks seems to indicate otherwise.
Check the powder injector (Tungsten Carbide).
During operation the injector is easily consumed (burned) and produces these sparks, especially when it is new and has insufficient cooling.
Over time these sparks will disappear, after the powder injector will be consumed (shortened) 1-2 mm