SPM for MG cylinder
01-07-2007, 04:52 PM,
SPM for MG cylinder
I would like to know about SPM for premachining , coating and grinding of MG Cylinder of paper mill.
Vijay Deshpande
01-08-2007, 12:52 AM,
RE: SPM for MG cylinder
Hi vijaydeshin

Just to make sure we all understand, does SPM mean "special purpose machine" or "speed per minute" or something else?
01-08-2007, 11:48 AM,
RE: SPM for MG cylinder
Dear Gorden,
I want to know about SPECIAL PURPOSE MACHINE
for machining spraying and grinding of MG Cylinder. Also I would apreciate more info on this job, like what are the precautions to be taken while spraying and grinding of the job
Vijay Deshpande
01-08-2007, 04:44 PM, (This post was last modified: 01-08-2007, 06:32 PM by bhellman.)
RE: SPM for MG cylinder
vijaydeshin Wrote:Dear Gorden,
I want to know about SPECIAL PURPOSE MACHINE
for machining spraying and grinding of MG Cylinder. Also I would apreciate more info on this job, like what are the precautions to be taken while spraying and grinding of the job
Vijay Deshpande

Dear Vijay,
Spray coating (and grinding) of Yankee Dryers (MG, Tissue and SPM) is a tricky business involving hundreds of pitfalls. I know, have been in detail involved in the matter for decades. To try to explain all difficulties on these forum sites would be too boring and voluminous. To even try to give any instructions a lot of basic knowledge about running conditions has to be gathered first.
The first questions would be; what are the dimensions of this cylinder and what is it producing.
What are the quality demands on the produced product, and ????? so on.
br bhe

PS. May be I misunderstood your question: Do you mean the handling and machining equipment needed for these kind of coating jobs?
01-10-2007, 07:01 AM,
RE: SPM for MG cylinder
Dear \Bhellman,
I Know that this job is very tricky. The dimensions of this cyliner are 4.8 meter dia and 2.1 meter length. The product is craft paper.
How ever i want to know about executing this job.
I Want to know more information on this. Pl send me on my e-mail
Vijay Deshpande
bhellman Wrote:
vijaydeshin Wrote:Dear Gorden,
I want to know about SPECIAL PURPOSE MACHINE
for machining spraying and grinding of MG Cylinder. Also I would apreciate more info on this job, like what are the precautions to be taken while spraying and grinding of the job
Vijay Deshpande

Dear Vijay,
Spray coating (and grinding) of Yankee Dryers (MG, Tissue and SPM) is a tricky business involving hundreds of pitfalls. I know, have been in detail involved in the matter for decades. To try to explain all difficulties on these forum sites would be too boring and voluminous. To even try to give any instructions a lot of basic knowledge about running conditions has to be gathered first.
The first questions would be; what are the dimensions of this cylinder and what is it producing.
What are the quality demands on the produced product, and ????? so on.
br bhe

PS. May be I misunderstood your question: Do you mean the handling and machining equipment needed for these kind of coating jobs?
01-20-2007, 04:37 PM,
RE: SPM for MG cylinder
hello everybody
spray coating is not a game, you just read the notice and coat your cylinder, you have to get more knoledges than that ,it s a very long process to reach spraying,many preparations and investissement before are necessary.
01-20-2007, 08:32 PM,
RE: SPM for MG cylinder
Hi Vijay

With this type of work, you can not afford to learn by making any mistakes. Companies have gone bust by getting a job like this wrong. I think you really need to employ expert help from people or company that have experience and successful track record in this line of work.

Please see PM.
01-21-2007, 10:09 AM,
RE: SPM for MG cylinder
vijaydeshin Wrote:Hallo,
I would like to know about SPM for premachining , coating and grinding of MG Cylinder of paper mill.
Vijay Deshpande

Hi vijay
We have repaired more than 30 Yankee Dryers in Asean region S'pore,Indonesia ,M'sia,Thailand.Why do u need to spray the Yankee surface.We have complete insitu Arc spraying,Grinding & superfinishing facilities,Except Crowning.
HK Leong
01-23-2007, 01:26 PM,
RE: SPM for MG cylinder
Many thanks to bhellman for providing the following:

08-19-2013, 07:41 AM,
RE: SPM for MG cylinder
Hi Gordon,

Can you please put the YankeeBasicSlides.pdf back on the message board.

Best Regards,
08-19-2013, 12:34 PM,
RE: SPM for MG cylinder
Try this https://www.gordonengland.co.uk/sef/addf...slides.pdf

I have edited the dead link in my earlier post.

Adam thanks for reporting dead link, fortunately I have a copy elsewhere Smile
02-23-2023, 02:18 PM,
RE: SPM for MG cylinder
Hi, am looking for some assistance for a customer. While pre grinding a yankee cylinder we have come across a crack in the cast iron. We are not sure what type of cast iron it is but any suggestions how we could repair it or how to best proceed? Crack is almost 300mm long but not very deep.

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