There was a paper describing repair of propeller shaft by thermal spraying in Royal Navy, a copy of which I forwarded to Dr.Sam Nistala of Actis,UK.I do not have a copy. Dr Nistala found it useful and following is a copy of his letter
To: "DR. RAM CHATTOPADHYAY" <drrammandira@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Naval propellor shaft metal spraying
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 21:56:44 +0530
actisuk@aol.com Dr.Sam Nistala
Dear Ram,
I can not place a Value on this paper you sent me. It is ABOVE all valuation.
It is PRICELESS. You should be PROUD that you are one in a Million or Billion. No one in India could boast to have located this piece of VITAL information............. SO AUTHENTIC.
I have printed 20 copies of the paper you sent me and gave it to every one in the NAVY so that it would be KNOWN to all as a Valuable contribution from Dr Ram.
You can contact Sam for necessary information
ram chattopadhyay
(11-13-2008, 10:28 PM)istech Wrote: I have another question but will post it separately.