Hi Ykang
Agree to some extent with comments by k09. Not so sure of spraying from both ends (assuming both ends are open), while spray angle problem is much improved, coating overlap in middle, probable need for re-blasting prep to second stage, fiddle factor and not being ideal for finishing will be problematical.
Spraying from one side will probably need a spray angle around 45 degrees to clear bottom before top edges start to mask spray. Please appreciate the coating quality will be compromised compared to normal exterior spraying. A few tips:
* Rotate part as fast as possible.
* Grit blast in same direction as spraying direction - avoid opposing direction.
* Get as much cleaning/cooling air through flow as possible (again assuming open ended and mounted to allow free flow) complimenting spraying direction to cool and vent dust and debris.
* If possible spray in one direction only against air flow (dirty to clean direction) - bottom to top avoiding spraying on return stroke.
* Take care with coating and part temperature and any required masking.
Good luck