Diamond Lapping Superfinish films
We are working on superfinish machine for ceramic coated surface. In our company we do grinding 100C diamond and sometimes 120 G siliconcarbide wheels. When grinding AlO/TiO the surface Ra 1.6 Ra , when spray CrO the surface is 1 Ra. What can we do to get min 0.2 Ra surface. We try to get some doc from 3m 660 x diamond film. But there is nothing to write on this papers. The 3m salesman say you can only use 15 mic 661 x diamond film to get 0.25 Ra for OxideCeramics. This film get 1.6 Ra to 0.2 Ra , is this possible?
If you know anyone experienced superfinish machines for 60/40 AlOTiO , CrO and pure AlO oxideceramic by "FlameSpray" please give us some advices. (Our Systems info : 6P-II with airjet and DS 8000 we generally use 45 - 5 micron and 22 - 5 micron fine powders for 6PII and 22-5 micron for DS 8000 Average porosity is % 5 & % 10) .We havent got plasma system yet.
Thanks and best regards